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Success for first ever Fit Rovers Ladies course

03 July 2019

The first official Fit Rovers Ladies course made huge lifestyle changes to women in Doncaster, as the course received their end-of-course results last week.

The participants lost a total weight of 20.1kg, setting the standard for future courses to follow and try to achieve during the eight-week course.

The women also lost an incredible 112.5cm from their combined waist circumference, whilst 16 participants drastically improved their mental wellbeing throughout the eight weeks.

Alongside weight loss, a total of an additional 111 minutes of physical activity and almost double the amount of fruit and vegetable intake were achieved, showing how the project is considered more than just a weight loss course.


The participants were welcomed onto the programme by course facilitators Lauren Cuttell and Maia Smith, who led the ladies through their eight-week journeys, motivating and inspiring them towards their goals.

Along with fantastic results, the ladies course also achieved a phenomenally high retention rate, with 96 per cent of those who started the programme going on to complete it, meaning only one person did not complete the entire course.

Out of a possible 208 attendances throughout the entire eight weeks, a total of 176 were attended.

Course facilitator Lauren Cuttell commented: “I’m really pleased at how successful the first official ladies’ course has been.

“To have 26 women set out with certain goals and then go onto achieve them, is just fantastic.

“I am hoping plenty of these ladies continue their journeys within the project by transitioning over onto the Vets sessions, which we hope will increase over time.”


Fit Rovers Ladies is one of Club Doncaster Foundation’s adult fitness courses based at the Keepmoat Stadium, aimed at women over the age of 23, free of charge.

Unlike big fitness/weight-loss chains that charge you for public weigh-ins and give very little guidance, information at Fit Rovers Ladies is completely confidential meaning you can keep a track of exactly how you’re doing on a one-to-one basis with the dedicated staff team. 

For more information on the Fit Rovers Ladies course, contact the team on 01302 764663 or alternatively at

Success for first ever Fit Rovers Ladies course