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Rugby League World Cup: 365 days and counting

23 October 2020

To mark one year until the Rugby League World Cup 2021 coming to Doncaster, the Sports College have been honing their rugby skills under the watchful eye of Martin Rowlands.

Martin has a strong link to the Sports College through the RL Academy and is also the RLWC Legacy Officer, engaging young people in Doncaster with practical skills and classroom sessions.

With the Sports College being based at the Keepmoat Stadium, excitement is high regarding the three pending World Cup fixtures. In the coming weeks, the Sports College students will be involved with several Rugby League activities and some of the Year 12 students are already looking at volunteering opportunities for their work experience commitments in 2021/22.

"The Sports College have a very close link to the Dons and a keen group of Rugby League players and fans through our academy, so it has been great to see our wider core of learners trying their hand at Rugby League”, explained Club Doncaster Sports College deputy principal Ben Thompson. 

“As part of our commitment to growing the game, we've got some really exciting projects coming up regarding the upcoming Rugby League World Cup and our students will be given a unique opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge of RL in the coming weeks".

Rugby League World Cup: 365 days and counting