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New Fit Rovers course impress on week 4

24 August 2018

Fit Rovers course nine received their half way results last night, as they reached four weeks on the programme.

Combined, they have shed 38.9kg to add to the total weight loss of men in Doncaster to well over an incredible 100 stone.

They also lost 16cm from their combined waist circumference and drastically improved their mental well-being.

Course facilitator Nick Gillott commented: “It’s another fantastic achievement from another great group of men and it never fails to astound me how motivated they are to reaching their goals.

“It will be exciting to see how they will do in the second half of the programme, we often see that it spurs them on to succeed even more because they can see hard proof that small marginal gains are very effective.”

The course were welcomed onto the programme by Doncaster Rovers winger, Matty Blair and he will be overseeing their results as they progress in his new role as the Fit Rovers ambassador for 2018/19.

He will be spending time with the Fit Rovers team over the coming weeks assessing their food diaries and physical activities to help them improve even more.

For more information on how to book onto the next free Fit Rovers course starting in October, contact the team on 01302 764663 /

New Fit Rovers course impress on week 4