01302 764663 | admin@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk
More than 350 young people gathered at the Dome Leisure Centre for the first NCS Keep Warm event of 2019 on Sunday February 3.
All the young people who signed up for this summers’ programme before Christmas were invited down to take part in an ice skating session, held at The Dome.
The Dome has proved a popular destination for young people, and seemed a good way to get all the participants interacting with one another before the summer programme starts. The Foundation booked out the skating rink during the evening, giving participants the chance to mingle and have some much needed fun to end their weekend.
The Keep Warm events are designed to give young people the opportunity to meet others who will be joining them during the summer.
It also allows them to meet all the full-time NCS Staff, who will be guiding them on their journey throughout the programme.
There will be more Keep Warm events coming up in the build-up to the summer, giving everyone who has signed up the chance to get involved before embarking on the summer of a lifetime.
If you are interested in taking part in a summer of a lifetime, and you are aged 15-17 years old, contact the NCS team on 01302 764663 or visit https://clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk/ncs
The next Keep Warm event will take place at Flip Out, Doncaster during April.