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Foundation announce new safety measures and alternative provisions for 2020/21 academic year delivery

08 July 2020

A number of new safety measures and alternative provisions will be in place for when delivery resumes in schools at the start of the 2020/21 academic year.

In line with government guidelines, the Foundation has a new ten-point strategy to ensure that delivery will be both safe and practical. 

These points include;
- Following strict government guidelines when planning lessons
- All staff receiving return to coaching COVID-19 training
- Staff members being provided with hand sanitiser and cleaning products, and having full access to PPE
- PE lessons to be outdoor when possible
- Reduced entry of staff in and out of schools, and teachers to take children to and from sessions where possible
- No equipment shared between children in each lesson, and any equipment used will be easily cleanable
- All equipment to be cleaned pre and post lessons, and only used when necessary

The strategy also includes a new alternative provision, available to focus on ‘child catch up’. 

It follows confirmation from the Department of Education (DfE) that the Primary PE and Sports premium will be continued for the 2020/21 academic year.

The new provisions are divided into four sections for each primary key stage; PE, PSHE, English and Maths. 

Kelly Jackson-Powell, sports development officer at the Foundation, said: “The new safety measures and provisions will ensure that our return to delivery for the 2020/21 academic year will be safe and fun for the children whilst aiming to improve children’s academic skills through physical activity such as active maths and active English lessons.

“There’s a range of new provisions to accommodate the new government guidelines, and the confirmation for the Primary PE and sports premium is great news for schools across the region. 

“Our popular sessions are diverse and engaging, and I’d encourage any schools to get in touch if they feel that the sessions would be of interest to them.” 

If your school would like to learn more about the new schools provision, please email

Foundation announce new safety measures and alternative provisions for 2020/21 academic year delivery