01302 764663 | admin@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk
It’s been nearly 4 and half years since Craig Wardle first took part in the ever growing Fit Rovers programme, here at Club Doncaster Foundation.
After finding it difficult to exercise on his own initially and wanting to keep himself as healthy as he could, as he gets older, he decided to get involved in the programme.
“I used to just work all the time, then went home and sat in front of the telly. I tried to exercise but a lot of the time, I couldn’t always motivate myself. I’ve never really been good at losing weight and as I’m getting older, I want to keep myself as healthy as I can, to keep myself going. You’ve got to look after yourself,” Craig said.
He was initially due to complete the course earlier that September 2020, but when the country went into lockdown through Covid, his start date got pushed back. But it was the support he received during the lockdown that spurred him on to join afterwards and complete the course again.
“Fit Rovers first started helping me in covid. When we went into lockdown, the staff members here were delivering fitness sessions on zoom and it kept you in touch with people and gave you something to look forward to. Joining after lockdown, it gave me a way of getting me up, active and getting out the house.
“It’s more than just fitness. It’s a group of you getting together, having a laugh, putting it what you can and just supporting each other. It’s the camaraderie. Here at the Foundation and Fit Rovers, you’ve got people with you and you pull each other along.”
Fit Rovers is an 8-week health and wellbeing course, that covers a range of topics including mental health, nutritional guidance and goal setting alongside a physical activity element. Upon completion of the course, participants become veterans of the programme, with a number of regular sessions available to attend during the week.
Participants also get the opportunity to take part in a variety of events, throughout the year. Events which Craig is no stranger to, with him putting his name down for them all.
“I’ve done the Snooze in the South event, I’ve been involved in the Fit Rovers Play on the Pitch event, where we had training sessions and got to play on the Eco-Power Stadium and completed the 3 peaks fundraising event numerous times. You don’t always get these sorts of opportunities, but being part of the Foundation, you do.”
It’s from these opportunities that Craig has gone on to set up his own walking group, ‘Waggy’s Walks’, getting other Fit Rovers participants involved in organised walks on Sunday mornings.
“I enjoy walking and enjoy the fresh air. I got introduced to walking, getting prepared for the first 3 peaks event I completed. I was just doing regular walks and it just took off.
“We created the group and now we get people from 25 years old, through to 75 years old, coming walking with us. It’s great, you just get talking to people and speaking with people you might never have done so before. It brings you out of yourself aswell.”
Craig recently received his 500 attendances shirt, having attended various weekly sessions, over the past few years and regular attends Monday night football, Thursday evening sessions and beyond, with no signs of stopping anytime soon.
“I don’t class it as exercise. It’s more of your mental being.
“The staff are so friendly, they’re more like family. You’re not just a number and they make you feel a part of a family.
“It’s another chapter in your life. I do feel fitter. I meet different people and it gives you something to get up for in a morning.
“Fit Rovers, it’s a family.”
Fancy taking part in a Fit Rovers course? Find out more about the courses and upcoming courses, by contacting fitrovers@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk.