Latest News News from the Foundation

Fit Rovers Ladies weight loss total reaches 95kg

29 November 2019

Participants on the third Fit Rovers Ladies course found out their end-of-course results at the Keepmoat Stadium last week, which has seen the newly formed project have a huge impact on women in Doncaster. 

Participants on the new course lost a total of 27.7kg throughout their eight-week journey, which looks at improving both physical and mental wellbeing. Combined with the first and second course, which took place earlier in 2019, the total weight lost by women on Fit Rovers Ladies since May has risen to 95.3kg.

They also lost 100.5cm from their combined waist circumference and drastically improved their physical activity. The three courses have reached new limits, shedding 346cm from their waist. 

Having secured a small grant from Sport England back in March, the health and wellbeing team never imagined how successful the women’s version of the award-winning course would be. As the waiting list continues to grow, more and more women are changing their habits in order to make a positive lifestyle change.


The participants were welcomed onto the programme by Foundation staff members Lauren Cuttell and Maia Smith, who have relished the opportunity to run a ladies’ course. Members of the first two courses also volunteered their time to help facilitate the most recent course, epitomising the ethos of the health project.

Maia, who balances her degree at Doncaster College with working for the Foundation, said: “I’ve been working with Fit Rovers Ladies since the start and I’ve loved every minute of it.

“Being able to work closely with a great bunch of ladies and see them progress during their eight-week journeys has been amazing.”

Along with fantastic results, course two also saw a retention rate of 96 per cent, as 23 out of 24 women finished the programme.

Course facilitator Lauren Cuttell commented: “Course three has defied expectations and is another example of women working hard to make a difference to their lifestyles.

“Over eight weeks, we have had 24 women make huge strides towards the goals they set for themselves in week one, losing some considerable weight along the way.

“A vast majority of the ladies have expressed an interest in transitioning over onto the Vets sessions.”


Like with Fit Rovers, Fit Rovers Ladies has a veteran group, which sees more than 25 women regularly attend, taking part in circuit sessions, dance classes and a variety of other fitness sessions.

Fit Rovers Ladies is an adult fitness course based at the Keepmoat Stadium, aimed at women over the age of 23, completely free of charge.

Unlike big fitness/weight-loss chains that charge you for public weigh-ins and give very little guidance, information at Fit Rovers Ladies is completely confidential meaning you can keep a track of exactly how you’re doing on a one-to-one basis with the dedicated staff team.

For more information on Fit Rovers Ladies, contact the team on 01302 764663 or alternatively at

Fit Rovers Ladies weight loss total reaches 95kg