01302 764663 | admin@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk
Club Doncaster Foundation’s project, Fit Forces, supporting veterans within the local community, was formed back in June 2022.
One attendee, Mark Innes, helped set up the group alongside the Foundation, to help provide opportunities in bringing those who had been involved within the armed forces.
“At the time, when we worked with the Foundation to set up this project, there wasn’t a lot of stuff for veterans within the local community,” Mark said.
“We didn’t think it would take off as well as it did. There were 7 of us on the first day, including myself and Blue, who was also involved in the set up of the project. We were a little apprehensive, unsure of how far it would go.”
Mark joined the army at the age of 16, straight from school and toured numerous countries all over the world. In 2005, due to an injury sustained whilst in the army, he was medically discharged and in 2012, lost his leg because of the injury, and the support he gets from fellow veterans within the group has helped him.
“It’s been really beneficial for me, being with other veterans. The past few years, I’ve had many operations and I’ve currently got stuff going on at the minute. This group is great, because I know I’ve got the backing of the veteran community, week in, week out.
“We’ve got our own WhatsApp group, you can go on there and chat about anything. We’re not just here for our mates, we’re here for everybody.”
The weekly group, which takes place every Saturday, 9am-11am, in the Foundation Fitness gym, sees an average attendance of 30 participants, with 50+ people on the books, a significant growth during past 2 and half years and opportunities for those in attendance.
Fit Forces participants have been involved in proceedings at Doncaster Rovers dedicated Remembrance Day fixtures, over the past couple of years. This season, Mark got the opportunity to lay a wreath during the proceedings alongside club personnel, prior to kick off.
“It was amazing. I was honoured to lay a wreath at the Remembrance Day fixture. Having the crowd there, the staff, players at Doncaster Rovers and seeing the support that they have for the veterans community in Doncaster, it’s fantastic. It’s quite humbling.”
Mark believes that the Foundation and the Fit Forces project has supported him and changed his life for the better.
“Without Fit Forces, my life would look pretty bleak. I don’t know where I would be or what frame of mind I would be in.
“The Foundation means a lot to me, and a lot to each and every person within the group. It’s changed me in a big way.
“I will be forever grateful for the Foundation.”
Interested in finding out more about the Fit Forces sessions, please contact fitrovers@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk.