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End of year message from Club Doncaster Foundation CEO

31 December 2023

Club Doncaster Foundation CEO, John Davis, took the time to reflect on the success of 2023 at the charity, in his end of year message:

"At the end of the year, it’s a great time to thank everyone that makes our phenomenal programmes happen. 

"Without our partners, funders and fundraisers, we wouldn’t be able to achieve the things we are outlining in this update. So a huge thankyou for enabling this work.  

"We’ve seen incredible achievements over the year. From our pre and post natal service winning a national award, to our education partnership growing from strength to strength and delivering outstanding results and providing a successful European tour for our students.

"We held a record breaking Heart of Doncaster Awards featuring the Choose Kindness campaign giving recognition to some fantastic people across our communities.

"We have received recognition and exposure through national newspapers and viral social media posts, demonstrating the need and support we get for our services and for our programmes. 

"Our Fit Forces provision has grown significantly, we’ve also launched our high performance centre in partnership with Doncaster College and seen our gym, schools and outreach work continue to engage more people.

"None of this would be possible without the phenomenal staff team that we have here at the Foundation, supported by willing volunteers and our trustees who give up their time to support our work. It would be remiss of me not to thank our team for making all of this happen.

"With growing waiting lists for our education and community outreach offers, there’s lots more work to do in 2024 and we look forward to working with the people of Doncaster to improve people’s lives across the city.

"Please do get in touch if you would like to work with us to achieve more."

Keep an eye out on the Foundation's social media channels throughout 2024 to see the work we do within the community.

Also, sign up to our newsletter here, which includes regular roundups of activities. 

End of year message from Club Doncaster Foundation CEO