01302 764663 | admin@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk
Before joining Club Doncaster Foundation’s programmes, life looked completely different for Jess Smith.
“I wasn’t really active,” Jess explained. “I work from home and have another job aswell, so I was always in the house a lot with the kids. The only times I would be doing something was when I was doing the school run and then coming back home.”
“One of the main things that prevented me from being active, was because I was at home with my youngest, Harvey. I couldn’t join the gym because I didn’t have childcare and a lot of fitness classes, you can’t take a baby with you.
“I signed up to the Fit Rovers Families course and it was brilliant. I could bring Harvey along with me, spend time with him but also exercise too.”
Jess took part in one of the first Fit Rovers Families post natal course, out in the local community, a 6 week course, covering a wide range of health and wellbeing topics, such as mental and physical health and include visits from health professionals, along with nutrition and mini first aid activities too. Parents get the chance to socialise with other parents while their babies can enjoy a variety of sensory play, which differs each week during the first hour.
Following completion of the award winning Fit Rovers Families course, she continued to attend weekly VET’s sessions before taking the leap and joining the Fit Rovers Ladies course too.
“After completing the post-natal course, I felt more comfortable. I’d overcome my anxiety, I’d got to know the staff and I knew the grounds, so I felt I was comfortable enough to sign up to the Fit Rovers ladies course, in the evening, and it meant my husband was at home to have the children.
“It was strange coming along to do exercise on my own, because I’m always ‘Mum’, all of the time, so to come out and just be ‘Jess’, meet new people and become friends with people who I never would have usually have met, it’s fantastic.
“I genuinely think that the Foundation brought me out of my shell a lot, it got me started with my fitness and kept me going. It’s a support system.”
Jess has now rocked up over 150 attendances as a Fit Rovers VET by attending numerous weekly sessions, continuing on her fitness journey and now includes running as part of her week too.
“I run with a weekly group on a Monday and Thursday. Wednesday’s I run, then attend the 2 hour Fit Rovers vets session, while also coming along to Wednesday Fit Families daytime sessions too,” Jess explained.
“It was a stepping stone for my fitness journey. I built myself up with my running, joining other running groups and now I’m going to be taking part in the Great North Run in September! Jess 2 years ago, who didn’t know what Fit Rovers was, would never have thought that she’d be running a half marathon.”
In just over 2 years, Jess has become a valued member of the Fit Rovers community, bringing her bubbly and energetic character to sessions and playing a vital part within the Fit Rovers committee. So it came as no surprise that she scooped Fit Rovers Participant of the Year Award at the Foundation’s 2024 Heart of Doncaster Awards.
“To actually have won the award for Participant of the Year, and get to go up on stage, I never thought this time 2 years ago, that I would have been recognised for being me.
“It’s safe to say, the Foundation has brought me out of my shell. I’m stronger mentally.
“The friendships I’ve made, I know that if I’m going through a hard time, I have that support around me so I know I’m not on my own, even on my worst day.”
Reflecting on the time she’s spent within the Foundation, she now feels it plays a huge part in her life and will continue to do so for years to come.
“The Foundation, not just changed my life, it saved my life. I was hugely overweight, not fit and coming in, I didn’t expect to get what I did get from it.
“Since starting Fit Rovers, it’s brought me so many opportunities that my health has improved.
“The Foundation to me is, a life support.
“It’s a huge part of my life. it’s something I don’t think I could cope day to day, week to week without the Foundation in it.
“They started off as staff and participants, and became friends, now a lot of them are family. Some people that I know on my darkest days, they’re there. I don’t think I realised how much they’d mean to me.”
Want to come and see what Fit Rovers is all about, please contact fitrovers@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk.
Interested in our award winning Fit Rovers Families pre and post natal courses? Contact fitfamilies@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk.