Latest News News from the Foundation

Club Doncaster Foundation grateful for recent donations from Doncaster Rovers Supporter's Club branches

28 September 2023

Club Doncaster Foundation were grateful to receive a significant donation from the DRFC Supporter’s Club Main Branch and the DRFC Supporter’s Club Retford Branch at their recent annual general meetings.

A generous £1000 was received by Grant McCann on behalf of the Foundation from the Main Branch, with the Foundation’s CEO John Davis, collecting the £500 from the Retford Branch last Thursday evening.

Every single donation makes a difference. Just £3 could pay for one person to attend a Fit Rovers session to improve their physical and mental health and £25 can cover a targeted youth mentoring session for vulnerable children across the City.  

John Davis said: “A huge thank you to the Retford Branch and the Main Branch for their generous donations to the Foundation.

“These donations will help us improve more people’s lives across Doncaster, connecting our community to our professional team.”

Interested about finding out how you can support the Foundation through donations and fundraising, contact

Club Doncaster Foundation grateful for recent donations from Doncaster Rovers Supporter's Club branches