01302 764663 | admin@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk
Have you purchased the new Doncaster Rovers 4th shirt yet? Did you know, £5 from every shirt bought, will go towards Club Doncaster Foundation?
Each £5 shirt donation will go a long way in helping support the work the charity does within the local community. CEO of the Foundation, John Davis, says this is pivotal to continue the delivery of numerous projects.
“As a foundation, like many charities across the country at the moment, we’re facing increasing costs and it’s a challenge for us to keep services going. We’ve got our cancer support programme, ageing well provision and diversionary projects, all of which require fundraising support to keep them going.
“Each donation we receive from the fourth shirt will help us to support more people in Doncaster. We’re a unique charity, because you know when you’re supporting us, your money is being spent in Doncaster, allowing us to work through waiting lists and get support to those people who need it.”
The shirt, worn by the first team, on Saturday 12th April, features the Foundation logo, front and centre, for the first time. “It’s fantastic to have our logo as the main sponsor for this game. The shirt design is aligned to our history as the Foundation and when the charity was first set up.
“It’s special, the history and the meaning will give us a good opportunity to shout about everything that we do, off the back of a record-breaking year.”
The Foundation engaged with 15,388 individuals over the course of the 23/24 delivery year, registering 180,791 attendances session attendances across the charity. Rovers fixture v Wimbledon will see the Foundation host the annual Community Takeover Day, giving fans the opportunity to learn more about the work the Foundation do on a daily basis.
“This is going to be a community day delivered off the back of a record-breaking year of engagement” John said. “We deliver provision from pre-natal to our aging well provision, with our oldest participant last year being 94.
“We want to use every opportunity to engage with fans and educate them on our provision across Doncaster, so they know exactly how we can support people they know.
“The community day is a real opportunity for us to use the footprint of a matchday and the thousands of people who are here, to get that message across.
“We want it to be bigger and better than last year and see people engage with our services and activities pre-game, donate and get involved and share and spread the word of everything we do."