01302 764663 | admin@clubdoncasterfoundation.co.uk
Course 7 of Fit Rovers had their final session last night and combined, they lost an incredible 9st 8lb!
The total weight loss throughout Doncaster is now almost 90 stone, making a truly fantastic difference in the community.
The group have finished their free 8 week course at the Keepmoat Stadium, but have the option to continue their Fit Rovers journey through the veteran sessions.
Course facilitator, Scott Copeland commented:
"I can't believe my luck with the character of the men who have gone through the course so far, and course 7 have been just as fantastic.
Their effort and commitment to the programme is obvious and they couldn't deserve the 9 stone 8 pound loss more!"
You can book yourself onto one of the free courses based at the Keepmoat Stadium by contacting the team on 01302 764663.