Latest News News from the Foundation

109 people attend live Home Goals workout to set new participation record

28 January 2021

A new attendance record for a live Home Goals workout class was set last night, when 109 people attended a HIIT workout session.  

The live workouts, which have been popular throughout lockdown, are both free to access and open to anyone, with varying difficulties to accommodate any abilities.  

Foundation health and wellbeing officer Lauren Cuttell explained: “We have been very overwhelmed by the amount of people who have tried to push these workouts for us by inviting friends and family, which culminated in the session on Wednesday night. 

“We’ve had some tremendous feedback and people seem to really enjoy them. 

“The whole idea is to get as many people as possible moving and active. It really is great to see.” 

The sessions run every week at the following times;  

-Monday, 11am 

-Wednesday, 7pm 

-Thursday, 7pm 

-Friday, 11am 

Join our Home Goals community Facebook group or email for more information 

109 people attend live Home Goals workout to set new participation record